Peter Maggs interviewed on BBC local radio
I have had four interviews on BBC local radio. For the most part, the subject matter was my writing and the books I have published. The Radio Suffolk interview was quite wide-ranging, and covered aspects of my time at school, in a band, at university and a working life spent in industry. Edited versions of the broadcasts can be listened to by clicking the links below. My thanks to Paul 'Zarniwoop' Robertson for audio editing.
On 29th May 2015, I was interviewed about my writing by Tony Fisher on BBC Essex. Tony was well briefed and had read large parts of Henry's Trials and Smethurst's Luck. He also gave me a real opportunity to talk about the books and how they came into being.
I have had four interviews on BBC local radio. For the most part, the subject matter was my writing and the books I have published. The Radio Suffolk interview was quite wide-ranging, and covered aspects of my time at school, in a band, at university and a working life spent in industry. Edited versions of the broadcasts can be listened to by clicking the links below. My thanks to Paul 'Zarniwoop' Robertson for audio editing.
On 29th May 2015, I was interviewed about my writing by Tony Fisher on BBC Essex. Tony was well briefed and had read large parts of Henry's Trials and Smethurst's Luck. He also gave me a real opportunity to talk about the books and how they came into being.

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On 9th July 2015 I was interviewed on the Lesley Dolphin show, Radio Suffolk, Simon Talbot sitting in, and he just let me talk...

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On 27th July, Tony Fisher invited me back to talk about the Murder in the Red Barn.

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On 27th October, Tony Fisher invited me back again to talk about a presentation I was due to give on all three books as part of the 2015 Chelmsford Ideas Festival.

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